I have added to some of the existing resources given to you to ease with access.
This is to support you during this unusual time in Schools until I can see you again. I will be updating weekly.
Stay safe – we are thinking of you all.
Collective Worship Links
www.christianaid.org.uk This is Christian Aid week please head over to the website and search schools to find lots of amazing activities and Idea.
www.littleworshipcompany.com Preschool – key stage 1 ideas and, puppets etc to help with collective worship and activities
www.fischy.com These are extremely high quality collective worship providers. They are offering online CW at 11.00am – today the site crashed – so keep trying
www.johnhardwick.org.uk good quality collective worship and resources including a You Tube channel with songs.
Diocese Board of Education have got some amazing resources listed on the COVID-19 tab.
together-apart-stay-with-us an excellent set of intergenerational resources which will give you plenty of ideas with PDF’s to download and use.
https://www.allwecan.org.uk/resources/at-home/. This is a Methodist church national project where you can download free backs to help with school at home etc. They also have a survey to help them provide exactly what you would need. The resources are very well thought through and of a high quality.
IPad App
www.guardiansofancora.com an award winning high quality quest through the bible stories. Suitable to key stage 2.
Illustrated Ministry – craft ideas and colouring pages, word searches etc. Free resource for Lent. I have attached Lent week 2 and Lent week 4 for you to see and use.
www.illustratedministry.com – they have a Facebook page
Rainbows of Hope – make a rainbow to put in a window for others to see the hope you carry as a class or a school or an individual as people go past. I have attached a pack of rainbow making ideas. Chase the Rainbow Facebook Page
Prayer Ideas
The Lord’s Prayer with actions. https://youtu.be/tOugEQpcc_k
A good video link to help you teach this to the children. Developed by Messy Church primary age resources you can also find them on www.messychurch.org.uk
Prayer Spaces for Schools. There are key stage appropriate activities related to Covid-19 and understanding/processing what is happening. These are for all faiths and none
The Church of England has also put together a set of prayers about Covid-19 write in appropriate language to help children. These are attached.
Godly Play.
You Tube – Godly Play Foundation – please subscribe this is the official channel. Very high quality and most of the stories are there including Easter
There is also an introduction video of what Godly Play to understand where the story telling fits part of a bigger process of nurture for children with art responses.
Further Guidance on Godly Play UK website.